Thursday, August 16, 2007

Some day I will be good at this...

Apparently, I suck a blogging. I have managed to make ONE post for each of the last several months. I missed July completely. This was supposed to be a quick method of recording the daily happenings in our lives, like an online journal, but instead it just started collecting dust like every other method I have ever tried.

I guess a lot of life just doesn't seem like it needs recording as it happens, thus it doesn't get made a priority. Besides, I feel like I am going 5 different directions all the times and end up spending any "extra" time I have doing something at least semi-relaxing. Most nights I am so exhausted that even watching TV takes too much effort.

Well, you haven't really missed anything during the last 6 weeks. Caleb is getting bigger, Scott and I are still working, and my parents are still hard to track down. They are leaving for a driving trip out west on Sunday morning to take a friend's Mini Cooper to Olympia, WA (long story). I got a chance to drive the little car yesterday and it wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. Expected more zip, although Dad did say that without anyone else in the car is was plenty zippy.

Caleb has been taking swimming lessons and although he protests before each lesson, I think he does like them. At least they are only half and hour and he doesn't tend to cry once we have him in the water. We are going to continue his lessons this fall and winter, but it may be a challenge to get him to stick with them.

Scott and I are planning on taking our first real trip "away" next month, which we are both really looking forward to. Caleb is almost 3 and we have never left him for a full 24 hours with some one else. He has been over night with Nana and Bumpa before, but we were home before breakfast the next morning. I think he is going to be fine, but I may worry about it too much despite it. Anyway, we are headed up north, back to Houghton to take a stroll down memory lane. We haven't really spent much time up there since we graduated NINE years ago and really want to get back to see what has and hasn't changed. Plus, it will almost be peak color so it should really be beautiful. Did I mention that there is also some prime geocaching to be done up there? I can't WAIT!

We have really kicked up the burners on the geocaching this summer, since Caleb is finally old enough to "help" us out a little. He can walk down the trails and likes hunting for "treasures". Last night he even wanted to hide one of his toys and then we could "geocache it", which is his language is "find it". To funny!

It looks like my brother is having a great time in Florida. He has been helping Mike out at the Eden house with some repair and odd job type stuff. They have been so pleased with his work that he could be there for 3 years, just finishing the projects that Mike has started and not gotten back to. Glad he is finally getting away and a little more on his own. Plus, if he decides to relocate down there we will have some one to visit! I would love any excuse I can get to go back to Key West.

Well, that is just about all I have for now. Maybe if I do several short posts each week it won't turn into a huge event when I get around to the once a month post. :) Maybe that will happen....but don't hold your breath.

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