Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Can't think of a catchy title

Caleb learned how to climb all the way up into my Jeep, all by himself! Considering he will be three in a week, that may not sound like much, but let me assure you that since he is such a little guy, this is a big deal. He has been getting more and more independent so this is a real victory for him. Go, Caleb!

Also, last night he was throwing a fit because he wanted some fruit snacks before dinner. I told him "no" and he proceeded to throw a fit. I tried a new approach of ignoring him. Completely. He was even hitting me at one point, but I just kept on ignoring him. So you know what he did? He put himself in a time out! I had to try really hard not to laugh because it was just too cute. He kept begging all the way through dinner...then when dinner was over and he had eaten a good amount, I told him he could have his treat. Hopefully, I didn't screw anything up in the discipline area.

Mom and Dad called last night and they are in Idaho. Trip is going well, but they had more bad news from home and may just send the trip into a tailspin. It is hard to have fun when your business is having problems 4 states away.

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