Thursday, June 28, 2007

Trip to the Zoo

Caleb got to go on his very first field trip this morning. I dropped him off at school and then they rode the "big yellow bus" to the zoo and I met them there. They rode the carousel, saw the animals and had a great time. I love our little zoo here in Madison. It is completely free and just a gorgeous little facility. The animals are well taken care of and are in really nice enclosures.

I am glad I went because Caleb got freaked out several times. Miss Maria tried showing him a spider and he just about jumped out of his skin. Then, we went into the aviary and it was so loud that he started to freak, but we managed to get him out of there just fine. However, he was so jumpy the rest of the time that I think he was glad to get back on the bus and leave. There was one bright and funny we were leaving the penguin exhibit, Caleb asked if he could bring one home with us. Too cute!

All in all, it was a good trip and Caleb had a great time, but I am glad I was there to keep him from melting down. He just doesn't seem to do well in completely new situations like the zoo. I think we are all going to have to go back there a couple times this summer so he can get better accustomed to the animals. I don't want him to be freaked out by every little thing, but is isn't even 3 yet and he is so little that everything must seem HUGE to him, especially things like bears and lions, even if they are behind glass.

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