Friday, August 24, 2007

Still raining

It rained yesterday. It rained last night. It looks like it is going to rain again today. My patio is beginning to mold. Caleb hasn't played outside in 4 days. Even *I* am beginning to go a little stir crazy. The forecast says that we should have sunny skies by tomorrow but I am not going to hold my breath.

My parents made it to Glacier Nat'l Park during their trip west to Washington. They said it is absolutely beautiful and right now I wish I was with them. I could use a little change in my life.

Caleb was feeling fine yesterday morning so we took him to daycare. I hadn't even made it to work yet when they called to say that he had thrown up poltergeist-style and needed to be picked up. Since Scott was doing something important at work, I turned around and went straight back to the westside. And of course, he was perfectly fine when I got there and was never sick again the whole day. He ate fairly well yesterday, but I made sure to give him only the blandest foods I could find. We took a risk and dropped him off at school again today and so far so good.

I was up WAY too late last night (or should I say this morning) but I really didn't feel like going to sleep. Did some crochet, watched some TV and enjoyed the fact that my kitchen was (mostly) clean. Since I was home two days this week my house actually looks like it wouldn't have to be closed down by the health department. I know that is temporary, but it will be nice while it lasts. The floor still needs to be mopped, but taking care of that, cleaning the bathroom downstairs and doing a little dusting should make the downstairs livable. The upstairs on the other hand....that needs a LOT of work.

I MIGHT get some stuff done this weekend, but at this point I think that is doubtful. Scott is headed up north on Saturday for the Ducks Unlimited event in Oshkosh and Caleb and I are staying home. He has already watched enough TV to last him until he is in kindergarten so I should try to come up with something ELSE for us to do tomorrow. Maybe the zoo....will have to think on that a little.

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