Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another dull day

Since I am trying to diligently post something each day in hopes of capturing the small gems that may happen in our humdrum life, I will try to summarize our day yesterday as concisely as possible.

Caleb started his first day in the new classroom at daycare. He is now in the big kid room with 8 kids instead of 6. So far he is loving it. Scott also had his first day in his new office at the Fitchburg facility so he is not loving it as much. He is constantly complaining about the decorating choices, but I am sure they will stop offending him so completely soon. Either that or he will learn to deal, because there is nothing that can be done about them at this point.

The weather was gorgeous here yesterday, so of course I spent the entire thing at my desk or in my house. Why would I want to go outside and risk all those nasty mosquitoes? (said with tongue firmly in cheek) I really hate what this sedentary life is doing to me, but I don't know how to fix it. I hate being cooped up, I hate my job, I hate being fat. I guess I am just all around unhappy with my life right this second.

After we all got home, we ate dinner, watched some TV and Caleb fell asleep on the couch about and hour before bedtime. Guess the little guy was just worn out from all the running he was doing at school. Once he was tucked in, Scott and I decided to watch an episode of "Top Gear" on BBC America. I don't think we have ever laughed so hard! Jon and Becky turned us onto the show two weeks ago and I think we have a new favorite show. Let's just say that last nights episode had a competition to see who could build an amphibious vehicle.....and one of the was called a "Toyboata"....get the picture?

Mom and Dad have left Glacier and are on their way west again. They got some pretty bad news from home yesterday, though, so I don't know how much longer they are going to be out there. I sure hope they can finish out the trip as they had it planned, but I have a feeling that might not happen.

Looks like I am planning a party for this coming weekend after all. The past two years we have had Caleb's birthday party on labor day weekend so I am usually running around with my head cut off trying to get everything done. Since we planned his birthday party this year at the Children's Museum, I was looking forward to not having to do all the work. Well, there are several people here from New Zealand installing the equipment that Scott spent the last 2 years working on and he would like to invite them over for a real Wisconsin BBQ. Actually, I really don't mind doing it. At least this way my house will get cleaned! And I love putting the menu together and getting things checked off the to-do lists. Makes me feel organized. The part I really hate though....cleaning up. I spend all that time cleaning and then have to re-do it all the very next day. Ugh.

So for not having anything to say about yesterday, I guess I typed a lot. I am off to start creating about 4 separate to-do lists. Wish me luck!

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