Monday, March 12, 2007

Time Change Blues

This whole time change thing always throws me for a big loop. It takes me DAYS to get my internal clock straightened out, and even then I struggle. I woke up at 5:00 this morning and I have no idea why. But I was able to watch a movie that has been hanging around our house for almost a month. Grrrrr....This whole Netflix thing isn't working out to the money advantage that I thought it was going to. Might consider canceling it but I really don't want to. We already don't go out to movies and I know that we would never take the time to go to the video store. That would leave only Pay-per-view and that is a big snore. They never seem to have more than one movie we would watch during the month.

Things with Caleb were a little strange this weekend. We let him get away with too much, but we were both so tired that it was just easier that way. Neither Scott or I could fully function yesterday and needed heavy injections of caffeine. So much for sleeping in on Sunday mornings. I really miss that.

The weather here was unusually warm (50°F) and we all had a blast playing in the melting snow. Scott and Caleb each used their shovels to move blocks of ice and snow onto the pavement so that it could melt faster. Probably wasted effort, but when you have been snow bound you just want the stuff to go away as fast as possible. We did get the garage straightened up a bit, but that isn't saying too much. The house is still a disaster.

Biggest accomplishment for the weekend? We gave Caleb a bath! He is the worst about getting clean and we have the hardest time keeping him clean. Granted, he is only 2 and can't get THAT dirty in the winter, but he still only gets 2 baths a week at the best and 1 at the worst. We shoot for Wednesday and Saturday but just aren't that consistent about it. Of course, last night we couldn't get him OUT. Sheesh! Just goes to show that you can't predict a toddler!

After bath time came some snuggle time and then falling asleep (me) while Caleb read his book. I was just so wasted by 8:30 that I couldn't think. However, as Caleb was really snuggling down and getting ready for sleep, he gave me a hug and said "Mom, you best friend". *sniff, sniff* That just made my heart positively MELT! All the chasing and arguing and frustration for the weekend with a toddler just didn't matter any more.

And this weekend we began having our first big test of our new budgeting/spending philosophy. Our water heater is just about dead. Actually, the BLOWER MOTOR on our water heater is just about dead. The water heater is only 5 years old and the blower motor has been going for most of the last year. Now what do we do? Replace the blower motor? $297.....Buy new water heater? tank: $700, tankless: $1500....none of those is what I had in mind right now. There is simply NO EXTRA MONEY and our emergency fund is depleted because I have had to borrow from it the last couple months. I just want to cry!

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