Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Please don't arrest me!

After I dropped Caleb off at daycare this morning I stopped at my usual gas station and filled up. I wanted a juice and a couple other things so I decided to pay inside the store rather than at the pump. Once the pump switched off I headed into the store, picked up a bottle of juice and a couple of things to eat for breakfast (yes, I was running behind AGAIN) and went to the counter. I said very clearly, "I have these things and Pump 8." The cashier rang the things up as I ran my card through the reader, she handed me the slip to sign and then handed me my receipt as I handed it back to her with my signature. I stuffed the receipt in my purse, picked up my things and went back to my car. All sounds pretty normal, right?

Fast forward to the other end of my commute. Being newly budget conscious, I decided to enter the purchase into my spreadsheet tally for gas so I pulled out the receipt. The total was $3.67. WTF!?!?!? There is definitely something wrong with this. That is barely the cost of 1 gallon of gas these days and I was running on fumes so obviously the attendant forgot about the gas. What do I do now? My biggest fear was that they would try to come after me for a drive off, which could cost me my license. Not good. So I called the gas station, explained everything to the very nice lady and got it all straightened out. She thanked me for being honest and offered to give me a free car wash for my troubles.

Now, the weird thing about this is that I NEVER look at my receipts. Bad, I know, but they just get shoved in my purse and I don't think twice about it. I really don't know what made me look at the slip this morning rather than just waiting for the charge to come through on the bank account in the next day or two. Very strange, but it all worked out for the best.

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