Monday, March 5, 2007

Short weekend

This past weekend went really fast, especially since we have a potty training toddler. We went through so many pairs of pants and undies this weekend that I am going to have to work the washer overtime. At least Caleb is starting to get the hang of sitting on the potty and we had our first REAL victory since he went poo-poo on the potty at home! I never thought that I would ever find discussing the bowel workings of a toddler something to talk about publicly, be here I am. Not that this is all that public since I am the only one reading/posting here. It is meant to be a private record of my thoughts and that is apparently exactly what it has turned into. I can't decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing...

My parents came to visit yesterday and that was a nice breath of fresh air. They had so much fun playing with Caleb that my Dad slept all the way home. Apparently the 2 YO wore him out! Mom and I got to spend a little time together doing some shopping during nap time so that was nice. Against my better judgment, I stopped and picked up the shoes I had ordered from Morgan's. They were way pricey, but I have an incredibly hard time finding shoes to fit my horribly wide feet. I thought it was hard to find shoes before I got pregnant but now it is just plain impossible. OK, I should amend that is impossible to find STYLISH shoes that don't look like something my grandparents would wear.

Saturday was pretty much a waste of a day. We had gymnastics class in the morning and then I called our neighbor to see if their daughter wanted to come play with Caleb for a while. So she came over and played, but instead of getting the laundry folded like originally planned, I ended up supervising and refereeing the whole time. They had a blast, but couldn't really entertain themselves very well. I am sure that will change soon though as they get older. Fast forward to after lunch and the fact that nap time got pushed off (my fault, of course). By the time I got Caleb down it was a fight, but he must not have slept very well since he woke up grumpy and whiney. If I could have sold him at that moment I would have considered it. Scott was off helping a friend install a refrigerator and we were supposed to join them for dinner once Caleb woke up. But he threw so many fits that it took us an hour to get ready to go. We made it there late, and Caleb stayed up too late again. I was so strung out and tired that I couldn't see straight and the drive home was awful. It was all I could to do go home and collapse. The list of things that I didn't get done is much longer than those that I did. Even though I was busy, the laundry, kitchen, cleaning, finances, etc still suffered.

Getting a hold of this financial situation is horrible. We are so far behind that just getting caught up is going to be a huge challenge. I am already spending the money from the next paycheck and that was just to buy groceries. I am determined not to eat out for the next 2 weeks. Period. That should help, but this only getting paid every 2 weeks pretty much sucks. We JUST got paid and we are already out of money. One mortgage payment, one trip to the grocery store and a couple bills and we are out of cash. Even our reserves are short almost $1000. Yikes! How do I save enough money to pre-budget, when I am always trying to pay myself back after borrowing from the reserve account every single week? And our tax return is going to be little to nothing this year. It may be enough to plug the hole temporarily, but we are still in trouble. Big trouble. How do I break the news to Scott? How do we sit down and discuss this when it is my fault that we are in such a deep hole?

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