Friday, November 16, 2007

Mighty hunter weekend

Yes, that time of year has come again. OPENING DAY! For deer hunting that is. Tomorrow morning, before first light, hundreds of thousands of manly men dressed in bright orange will go out into the woods and shut them some deer. All of the men in my life are extremely excited. Even the littlest one. We haven't quit figured out how to tell the 3 year old that he is too little to go out in all the woods with all the other guys, but since they will be long gone before he is awake I think it will work out OK.

Mom, Caleb and I will be spending a lot of time inside or out on the Gator. I am hoping to make a bunch more progress on my crochet projects since Nana will be there to entertain and play with the little guy. We have a birthday party to go to tomorrow afternoon, which should be nice but more than likely will be very tiring (for me, not Caleb). Will try to get mom to come along so that maybe we can hang out in Appleton and have dinner. Planning things in the afternoon are always tricky, especially since Caleb isn't all that great at taking "mobile naps" any more. Will have to just play it by ear and hope for the best.

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