Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Still Standing....sort of

Let's just say, I am glad to be sitting down again. We were so busy this weekend that I have no idea how we got everything done. Saturday and Sunday passed in a blur of cleaning and prepping and scrubbing. Caleb was a trooper all the way through, even though Mom and Dad were so busy and didn't get a chance to play with him too much. The good news is that the party on Sunday went really well. The Kiwi's had a great time and stayed for more than 5 hours. We have enough food left over to feed an army and we will be eating potato salad for the next week at least. The fridge is busting at the seams and we aren't going to be able to see the back of it for a while.

The good news is that my house is the cleanest it has been since we moved in six years ago. It is nice knowing that all I have to do is pick up a little clutter and a few toys and the house will be sparkling again. After the cupcake debacle (more on that later) my kitchen needs some definite attention but I just didn't have the energy to deal with it last night. I will tackle it tonight when I get home and that is good enough for right this minute.

Yesterday was Caleb's birthday and we just took it easy and enjoyed the day as a family. Caleb opened some gifts and then watched a little TV. I got up early to do some dishes and then decided to see what I had in the cupboard to make a birthday cake for the little man. That is when I made my first mistake....I asked Caleb what kind of cake he wanted. He said strawberry. Strawberry? I had white, yellow and chocolate. I even had an angel food, but no strawberry cake mix. Since I wanted to make cupcakes for him to take to school today, I decided that I would just run to the grocery store to pick up a couple of quick items. Get to the cake aisle....no strawberry cake mixes. Hmmmm....picked up some strawberry extract and since I knew I had a white cake mix at home, I figured that would work. I would just find a recipe online to help me with the ratio. Grabbed some strawberry frosting and a couple of other things and headed home. It was a gorgeous day and I was driving the TJ with the top down. Can't get much better.

So I get home, and get ready to make the cake quick before we head out for a day of fun. That way it would be cool and ready to frost during nap time. Perfect! Get Caleb all set to help, pull everything out of the fridge....only have 2 eggs and we need three. Crap! Remember how I just got back from the store? yeah.....so I run next door to Cindy's and borrow an egg from her fridge and run back. By this time, Caleb is getting antsy. We quickly get the cake mix put together and put it into the oven. Twenty minutes later I am curious as to how it is turning out and it just doesn't seem to be rising all that much. I think the humidity was wreaking havoc on the cake and the top came out all sticky and gross even though the cake inside was finished. Thought it might firm up as it cooled....nope, it stayed sticky and mushy.

So then we run out the door to go to Red Robin (Caleb's favorite) for his birthday lunch. Have to take the long way since Caleb doesn't like to go fast with the top down on the TJ. Nice drive and a very nice lunch. From there we went to play mini golf, which is something that Caleb seems to really enjoy. The only problem was that we decided to go mini golfing on the hottest and busiest day of the year. By the time we got done with 15 holes we were dead and decided to basically skip the last few. We grabbed some desperately needed water and headed home for a much needed nap.

During nap time, I was going to make the cup cakes for Caleb to take to school on Tuesday to share with his friends. Decided I was going to try to a cute recipe that I saw using ice cream cones instead of cup cake wrappers. Guess what else I forgot to buy? That's right, ice cream cones! Scott ran to the store to pick up all the stuff I had forgotten earlier while I worked at getting the cake mix prepped. Got everything into the oven pretty painlessly, but when it came time to pull them out, only half of the batter in each cone actually baked while the other half was raw. Gross! Tried to salvage a few of them but decided to give up. Stopped at the store on the way to school the next morning to BUY cupcakes, which is what I should have done in the first place. I am done trying to make cupcakes....they just never want to turn out for me. How sad is that?

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