Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The good and the bad news

I got completely blindsided on Friday.....the company I have worked for for 7 years decided I didn't need to work there anymore and laid me off. Of course that is just semantics at this point because the informed me that it is definitely a permanent arrangement and that I should plan on moving my 401k ASAP. Did NOT see this one coming......I was a total mess the whole weekend but I have settled into a kind of gloom that comes and goes. They gave me a whopping 2 weeks severance that will help for a little while but it is still a very scary position to be in. The blow to my ego hurts the most. I thought I was valuable for my knowledge and experience but apparently I was really wrong.

The good news that kind of complicates everything is that I recently found out I am pregnant again. Still very early on, but it makes the prospect of finding another job rather interesting. If it takes too long it is going to be a bit obvious, but at this point I am not even sure that we can afford for me to be off for very long. The bright side is that we are mostly out of debt so there aren't too many problems with having to make payments. The cars are paid for, the furniture is paid for, so the only thing we have to pay for are utilities, mortgage and food. With some mighty belt tightening we will be OK, but it is going to take a lot of getting used to.